El centenari de Leonard Bersnteintorna a ser un bon motiu per omplir l’escenari de llum, de color, de ritme, de tendresa i de bon humor. Fragments de West Side Story, Candide o On the town i grans musicals nord-americans es donen cita en aquest concert que homenatja grans melodies de Broadway.
BERNSTEIN: Wonderful Town: Overture
BERNSTEIN: West Side Story: Something’s Coming, Maria, A Boy Like That
BERNSTEIN: On The Town: Ballet, New York, NY
BERNSTEIN: Wonderful Town: A Little Bit In Love, One Hundred Easy Ways
BERLIN: Annie: Get you Gun. They say it’s Wonderful
LOESSER: Guys & Dolls. I’ve never been in Love before
WILSON: The Music Man: Till there was you
BERLIN: Annie: Get you Gun, The Girl that I marry
PORTER: Kiss Me Kate: So In Love
BERNSTEIN: West Side Story: Mambo
BERNSTEIN: Candide: Overture I, Glitter and Be Gay, Nothing More than This
SONDHEIM: A Little Night Music. Overture and Night Waltz, Send in The Clowns
SONDHEIM: Follies. Too Many Mornings
SONDHEIM: Passion. Happiness
SONDHEIM: Company. Being Alive
BERNSTEIN: Candide. Quartet Finale